Ciao Fi Xie

Ciao Fi Xie

13 Marzo, 2015

Il mondo del triathlon è in lutto.

Linda non ce l’ha fatta. Linda non c’è più. Si è spenta questa notte dopo lunghi giorni di lotta, era in attesa del’intervento chirurgico alla spina dorsale per ridurre la frattura alla vertebra cervicale.

Non sono ancora state dichiarate le cause del decesso; le uniche informazioni ci giungono dai social network, da Alexa Cunningham, l’amica che è stata vicina a lei da subito, e di cui riportiamo fedelmente il comunicato:

“Dearest Friends and Family of Linda and Edith. It’s with the heaviest and saddest of hearts that I have to tell you that FiXie (Linda), has passed away after fighting courageously since that tragic cycling accident on Saturday.

Linda endured another massive stroke which rendered her paralyzed and severly brain damaged and after meeting with her team of very capable and loving doctors we were faced with the difficult reality of her state. The decision was passed between the doctors and her mom and dad, that without the possibility of our girl ever regaining consciousness that her life support be turned off. Her family believe that knowing Linda, that her experiencing life in that state would not have been her wishes. Our Linda fought a hard battle until the end, but the damage she sustained to her brain was just too big. Her laughter and infectious smile will forever be missed by her friends, university colleagues, teammates, closest friend Edith, family and especially her mom and dad. A heartfelt thanks to Dr Kruger, the nurses and ward staff at Groote Schuur Hospital, The Italian Consulate (Violetta and Consult Vitali), Caroline Koll, James and Jodie and Lina Lizzi of Cape Town Tourism for all the support and love you have shown the family and the girls to date. Edith will need all the continued support she can get and we will be by her side today whilst the endures having to process everything post surgery this morning.
We ask that you race in her honour and carry forward her Inspire&Believe sentiments. We will update you regarding memorial service arrangements as soon as we have processed this horrible news ourselves.
Much love

Non ci sono parole per esprimerel’immenso dolore.

